Leg irons, appear to be keyless-lock by placing a pegged block under the brass covers. Marked on each brass cover plate with a Federal Eagle and "Patent/Jan. 18 & Nov. 28/1870", marked with three "X"s on each cuff, 12" of chain, weigh almost two pounds. No locking pieces, one opens-one is froze, one cover plate is well marked-other is worn, peg stop for one cover plate is broken off. Please e-mail with any questions. - eBay (15 April 09)
This item had a high bid of $102.50 (Plus $7.10 Shipping) but failed to meet the reserve price.
Here is more information on what these appear to be from the HANDCUFFS.ORG Forum:
As always, buyer beware.If I remember correctly these are not handcuffs but two railroad seals put together to make a handcuff. - Handcuffs.org Forum (Click the link to read the full discussion on this item)
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