This restraint collar has a 'Buy-it-Now' price of $2,650 (Plus $35 Shipping).this item comes from the RICHARD (DICK) NORMAN collection & was acquired from MR. NORMAN by my father in law (PRYNCE WHEELER) back in 1964..........MR. NORMAN wrote the book -- MODERN HANDCUFF SECRETS FOR MAGICIANS -- and had one of the largest restraint collections in his time......... this is a very rare CLOG SPIKED SHACKLE made by the UNION HARDWARE COMPANY - circa 1890's -1900...... used in the prison system on inmates who worked in the fields, when transporting prisonershere & there, as well as on troublesome inmates inside the prison........ this rare CLOG SPIKED SHACKLE is approx. 24 INCHES in lenght & comes complete with an old lock & key as well as in an old wooden display case....... there is also an old post card from MR. NORMAN that states in part at the bottom ------ THAT NOBODY BUT NO BODY HAS ONE OF THESE EXCEPT ME -----.................as you can see in the photos that the shackle is hinged in the back so that the shackle can open etc etc ..... nice condition & works GREAT !!!!! - eBay ()
ive got one
I've found one in Kentucky 5/26/15 check out Craigslist
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