Aug 29, 2009

Antique Brass American Express Padlock

Here is a very nice large padlock. Not sure what American Express might have used it for, but then again, I am not to familiar with the firm's history.

Am. Ex. brass padlock with working key. stamped on the lock shackle is "pat May 7 & Oct 13 83" and "94" on the other side. the dimensions of the lock are 2 1/8" x 1 3/8" across at the base and 3 3/8" from the base to the top of the shackle.

Question: Hi when you pull up on the shackle does it pull all the way out, or hit a stop.And I cant tell by the picture but it looks like there may be a dent in the brass case ? let me know Very interested in this lock

Answer: Yes there is a dent in the brass case it's been that way since I got the lock and when the previous collector first got it. so the dent is possibly as old as the lock, just part of the locks story. the shackle does not pull all the way out it hits a stop - eBay (15 June 09)

This padlock had a high bid of $915.50 (Plus $4.95 Shipping).

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