Mar 15, 2009

"1882 JOHN LOVELL marshal cowboy prison handcuffs"

Well, surely they are rare and expensive. At least if you want to own them. the seller has a point about the prices that Colt Handcuffs go for as well...

RARE set MARKED - FLAT - key patented 1882 JOHN P. LOVELL handcuffs complete with a nice working key....... BOTH cuffs are nicely marked on the backs..... cuffs work great as do the lock buttons.... NOTE : the ROTATING disk key way...... LOVELL cuffs are RARE to find anytime - anywhere, but to find a set with even ONE cuff marked is extremely as 99.9 & of them are NOT MARKED ......... if COLT cuffs are going for $800 - $1,250 then this cuff should go for $2,000 !!!!! but i am letting someone get them cheap. - eBay (18 Feb 09)

This set of handcuffs had an opening bid of $975 and a 'Buy-it-Now' price of $1,275 (Plus $10 Shipping) but failed to attract any bids, this time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous26/3/18 03:31

    I have a pair exactly the same but in better overall condition but have no key. I maybe looking to let them go
