Feb 13, 2009

German Police Handcuffs - Rivolier

This set of handcuffs is neat because you can use small padlocks with them. The padlocks serve two purposes, both to double lock the cuffs as well as to add a higher security lock than provided by the handcuff's internal lock.

Sehr alte Handschellen(mit Schlüssel- nicht nachgefertigt- ORIGINAL dazu)mit POLIZEI Eindruck lt. Foto- A L T E ART - TOP- Zustand- Herkunft BRD - Modell "Polizei Baden Würtemberg - Hersteller warscheinlich die Firma Rivolier, Frankreich- wurden gleich nach dem Krieg eingesetzt. - eBay

Roughly translated:

Very old handcuffs (with non-ORIGINAL key) with POLICE impression - TOP state-origin BRD - Model "Police Baden Württemberg - the manufacturer, the company probably Rivolier, France-have been right after the war . POLICE - handcuffs - 50-years

This set of handcuffs sold for $72.87 / 54.99 Euros (Plus 5.50 Euros Shipping).

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