Oct 28, 2008

Gougler Combination Padlock

Here is an interesting combination lock. Look no marking on the dial!

"Antique click style combination padlock made by GOUGLER" - This is an antique CLICK style padlock lock with the intact combination tag. This is a unique concept lock that works by turning the clicker all the way to the left then count the clicks( eg. right 8 clicks then left 2 clicks then right 8 clicks). Very cool and interesting lock. This lock was designed to be opened in the dark or daylight. On the back it is stamped " Gougler keyless locks Pat.Pend Kent Ohio" Very solid and well made lock. A great vintage example of good old American manufacturing and design of the past. - eBay
I have seen one or two others of this type so it seems to be pretty rare.

This lock sold for $71 (Plus $9 shipping).



  1. Anonymous5/2/09 21:19

    Hey, i have a Gougler lock without numbers. It was my dad's. He died when i was 7, so i was given it. A few years ago (I was almost 50 by then), my mom pulled it out, and even after not looking at it for 40 years, i remembered the combination. Probably because the combination was more physical (counting clicks) than just an array of numbers. Now, i wonder how rare it is.

    1. Anonymous28/4/13 22:17

      I have about 20 gougler locks surge three-dimensional combina tags and would like to know the year of them and possaabley sell them

    2. Anonymous28/4/13 22:17

      I have about 20 gougler locks surge three-dimensional combina tags and would like to know the year of them and possaabley sell them

  2. I have about twenty gougler locks and would like to know the year and they have the combo tags I am also willing to sell them
